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AGTA 2024
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Prof Jim Rothwell

Director - Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute (EMAI) and NSW Department Primary Industries (DPI)


Professional Bio

Jim Rothwell, BVSc, PhD, MANZCVS (pathobiology). Jim has spent a decade in diagnostic veterinary pathology in NSW, USA and Victoria, and has a PhD on anthelmintic resistance in Barbers Pole worm of sheep. He has more than a decade in research development and consulting roles in the pharmaceutical and livestock industries and a decade in universities and a wide range of career experience and a proven ability to conduct and manage research with practical outcomes. Jim worked on new product development and technical support for parasiticides with Elanco Animal Health. Jim was also Adjunct Professor University Qld of Veterinary Pathology and Infectious Diseases and Program Manager Animal Health and Welfare - Meat & Livestock Australia and in 2018 accepted the role of Director EMAI.