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AGTA 2024
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Guojie Zhang

Chair Professor in Evolution and the Founder - Centre for Evolutionary & Organismal Biology at Zhejiang University


Professional Bio

Guojie Zhang is a chair professor in evolution and the founder of the Centre for Evolutionary & Organismal Biology at Zhejiang University in China. He was also the director of the Villum Biodiversity Genomic Centre in University of Copenhagen since 2022. The major research interests of his group are in biodiversity genomics and genome evolution, driven by fascination of the enormous phylogenetic diversity of organisms and their extraordinary variation in morphology, physiology, and behavior. Prof. Zhang’s research programs address fundamental questions about the origin of species, including human evolution, using interdisciplinary approaches. His works have revealed molecular mechanisms underlying speciation and adaptation for a broad spectrum of animal taxa. He has been (co-) leading several international genomics consortia including the Bird 10K (, the Genome 10K (, the Global Ant Genomics Alliance (, the Ruminant Genome Project, and the Earth Biogenomic Program.